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Traveling Taiwan

Traveling Taiwan
The hospital is located in Sanchong Dist of New Taipei City which contains rich traditional cultural landscape. The Hospital is also close to Xianse Temple, Sanhe Night Market, Cailiao (Orange line of Taipei MRT- Huilong), those is a heritage celebrated through scrumptious local food, and architectural monuments. The transportation is convenient, it only takes 5 minutes from Taipei Main Station and 45 minutes from Taoyuan Airport to the hospital.

1. Red Line
Jiantan Station R15-Shilin Night Market
Yuanshan Station R14-Yuanshanhuabo
Taipei Main Station R10-Northern Shopping Area/228 Park
Daan Forest Park Station R06
Taipei 101/World Trade Station R03-Xinyi Shopping  Area/Si Si Nan
Xiangshan Station R02-Xiangshan Hiking Trail

2. Blue Line
Banqiao Station BL07- Banqiao Station Shopping Area/Xinbei Happy Christmas City
Longshan Temple Station BL10-Wanhua Shopping Area/Peeling
Ximen Station BL11-Ximending Shopping Area

3. Orange Line
Taipei Bridge Station O12-Sanhe Night Market
Xingtian Temple Station O09- Xingtian Temple    
Xianse Temple Station O16-ianse Temple

瀏覽人次:370 人 更新日期:2019-11-18
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